Deploy Hyperswitch on Kubernetes

Install Hyperswitch on your K8s setup using our Helm charts

Part 1: Setting Up a Kubernetes Cluster on GCP

Step 1: Set Up GCP Account and Enable Kubernetes Engine API

  1. Sign In to Google Cloud Console:

    • Go to the Google Cloud Console.

  2. Create a Project:

    • Click Create Project, provide a project name, and click Create.

    • If using an existing project, note the project ID for later use.

  3. Enable Kubernetes Engine API:

    • Navigate to APIs & Services > Library.

    • Search for Kubernetes Engine API and click Enable.

Step 2: Install Required Tools

  1. Install Google Cloud SDK:

    • On macOS:

      brew install --cask google-cloud-sdk
    • For Linux and Windows, refer to Google Cloud SDK installation guide.

  2. Initialize gcloud CLI:

    • Authenticate and configure your project:

      gcloud init
    • Follow the prompts to log in, select your project, and set a default compute region/zone.

  3. Install kubectl:

    • Use gcloud to install Kubernetes CLI:

      gcloud components install kubectl

Step 3: Create a Kubernetes Cluster

  1. Create the Cluster:

    • Run the following command to create a Kubernetes cluster:

      gcloud container clusters create <CLUSTER_NAME> \
          --zone <ZONE> \
          --num-nodes <NUMBER_OF_NODES> \
          --machine-type e2-standard-4


      • <CLUSTER_NAME>: A unique name for your cluster.

      • <ZONE>: The GCP zone (e.g., us-central1-a).

      • <NUMBER_OF_NODES>: Number of nodes in your cluster.

      • e2-standard-4: Machine type with 4 CPUs and 16GB RAM per node.


      gcloud container clusters create hypers-cluster \
          --zone us-central1-a \
          --num-nodes 3 \
          --machine-type e2-standard-4
  2. Verify the Cluster:

    • Fetch cluster credentials to allow kubectl to interact with it:

      gcloud container clusters get-credentials <CLUSTER_NAME> --zone <ZONE>
    • Confirm the nodes are ready:

      kubectl get nodes

Part 2: Deploy Hyperswitch on Kubernetes Using Helm

Step 1: Add and Update the Hyperswitch Helm Repository

  1. Add the Hyperswitch Helm repository:

    helm repo add hyperswitch
  2. Update Helm repository to fetch the latest charts:

    helm repo update

Step 2: Prepare the Kubernetes Cluster

  1. Label Kubernetes Nodes:

    • Ensure nodes meet the minimum requirements: 4 CPUs and 6GB memory.

    • Label your nodes:

      kubectl label nodes <your-node-name> node-type=generic-compute
    • List nodes to confirm labels:

      kubectl get nodes --show-labels
  2. Create a Namespace:

    • Create a dedicated namespace for Hyperswitch:

      kubectl create namespace hyperswitch

Step 3: Install Hyperswitch

  1. Install Hyperswitch services using Helm:

    helm install hypers-v1 hyperswitch/hyperswitch-stack -n hyperswitch
  2. Verify the Deployment:

    • Check the status of all deployed pods:

      kubectl get pods -n hyperswitch
    • Ensure all pods are in the Running state.

That's it! Hyperswitch should be up and running on your GCP account 🎉 🎉

Post-Deployment Checklist

After deploying the Helm chart, you should verify that everything is working correctly

App Server

Control Center

Test a payment

Step 1 - Make a payment using our Demo App

Use the Hyperswitch Demo app and make a payment with test card.

Refer our postman collection to try out REST APIs

Step 2 - Deploy card vault

If you intend to save cards of your customers for future usage then you need a Card Vault. This helm chart doesn't cover inbuilt card vault support as it will violate PCI compliance. You can install manually by following the steps here or use this doc to deploy card vault in aws.

Next step:

Last updated