Stay up to date with minimal maintenance effort!
This chapter covers everything you need to know about handling maintenance and updates for your application.
Hyperswitch version updates
Hyperswitch requires minimal maintenance effort, and updating to newer versions is quite simple
Hyperswitch adheres to a monthly release schedule, with versions undergoing thorough internal testing before being deemed stable
Stay informed about updates by checking our GitHub releases page
Hyperswitch follows semantic versioning for all releases
Our releases ensure backward compatibility between the three components - the App Server, Web Client and Control Center
In case of any release which defers backward compatibility, prior announcement will be made along with the expected action
Updating the application
Often, when you are upgrading to a latest version of Hyperswitch, you would also need to take care of two aspects
Web Client Updates
Hyperswitch Web client is periodically updated for new features and bug fixes.
Please note that the web client adheres strictly to semantic versioning for consistent releases.
Please follow the Changelog to get the latest updates. You can pull the latest changes to get new features or build new features and contribute to the
repo for others to use.For ensuring backward compatibility, please ensure that the major version of the web client is the same as that of the app server's major release version.
Request Features or Report Bugs
You can reach out to us about new features or report bugs on GitHub:
You can request for a new feature if it hasn't been requested already on our issue tracker.
You can report a bug if there isn't hasn't been reported already on our issue tracker.
You can open a GitHub discussion, or reach out to us on our Discord server or Slack workspace for any general help or queries that you may have.
Steps for updating and maintaining the Control Centre would be updated in this chapter soon!
Last updated
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