Hyperswitch is designed to facilitate the integration and management of payment-related functionalities in a decoupled or headless architecture with flexibility to customize your checkout UI.
Customize the payment experience using Headless functions
1. Initialize the Hyperswitch SDK
Initialize Hyperswitch Headless SDK onto your app with your publishable key. To get a Publishable Key please find it here.
// Source Hyperloader on your HTML file using the <script /> taghyper =Hyper.init("YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY",{ customBackendUrl:"YOUR_BACKEND_URL",//You can configure this as an endpoint for all the api calls such as session, payments, confirm call.});
// pod 'hyperswitch-sdk-ios'paymentSession =PaymentSession(publishableKey: publishableKey)
// dependencies: implementation 'io.hyperswitch:hyperswitch-sdk-android:+' val paymentSession =PaymentSession(applicationContext, "YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY")
// dependencies: flutter_hyperswitch: ^version_number// run the following command to fetch and install the dependencies flutter pub getimport'package:flutter_hyperswitch/flutter_hyperswitch.dart';_hyper.init(HyperConfig(publishableKey:'YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY'));
import { HyperProvider } from"@juspay-tech/react-native-hyperswitch ";functionApp() {return ( <HyperProviderpublishableKey="YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY"> // Your app code here </HyperProvider> );}
2. Create a Payment Intent
Make a request to the endpoint on your server to create a new Payment. The clientSecret returned by your endpoint is used to initialize the payment session.
Important: Make sure to never share your API key with your client application as this could potentially compromise your security
3. Initialize your Payment Session
Initialize a Payment Session by passing the clientSecret to the initPaymentSession
Required. Required to use as the identifier of the payment.
4. Craft a customized payments experience
Using the paymentSession object, the default customer payment method data can be fetched, using which you can craft your own payments experience. The paymentSession object also exposes a confirmWithCustomerDefaultPaymentMethod function, using which you can confirm and handle the payment session.
paymentMethodSession =awaitpaymentSession.getCustomerSavedPaymentMethods();if (paymentMethodSession.error) {// handle the case where no default customer payment method is not present} else {// use the customer_default_saved_payment_method_data to fulfill your usecases (render UI)constcustomer_default_saved_payment_method_data=paymentMethodSession.getCustomerDefaultSavedPaymentMethodData();}//handle press for pay button functionhandlePress() { if (paymentMethodSession.error) {// handle the case where no default customer payment method is not present } else {// use the confirmWithCustomerDefaultPaymentMethod function to confirm and handle the payment session responseconst { error,status } =await paymentMethodSession.confirmWithCustomerDefaultPaymentMethod({ confirmParams: {// Make sure to change this to your payment completion page return_url:"https://example.com/complete" },// if you wish to redirect always, otherwise it is defaulted to "if_required" redirect:"always", });// use error, status to complete the payment journeyif (error) {if (error.message) {// handle error messagessetMessage(error.message); } else {setMessage("An unexpected error occurred."); } }if (status) {// handle payment statushandlePaymentStatus(status); } }}
import { useHyper } from"@juspay-tech/react-native-hyperswitch";const { getCustomerSavedPaymentMethods,getCustomerDefaultSavedPaymentMethodData,confirmWithCustomerDefaultPaymentMethod } =useHyper();const [defaultPaymentMethodData,setDefaultPaymentMethodData]=React.useState(null)React.useEffect(()=>{constgetPaymentMethods=async()=>{constpaymentMethodSession=awaitgetCustomerSavedPaymentMethods(paymentSession);constcustomer_default_saved_payment_method_data=awaitgetCustomerDefaultSavedPaymentMethodData(paymentMethodSession);setDefaultPaymentMethodData(_=>customer_default_saved_payment_method_data) }getPaymentMethods()},[])letconfirmDefaultPaymentMethod=()=>{conststatus=awaitconfirmWithCustomerDefaultPaymentMethod(paymentMethodSession);// handle status of payment if (status !=null) {constmessage=status.message;console.log(message) }}return(//build the ui using defaultPaymentMethodData//on click of pay use confirmDefaultPaymentMethod())
Payload for confirmWithCustomerDefaultPaymentMethod(payload)
options (Required)
confirmParams (object)
Parameters that will be passed on to the Hyper API.
redirect (string)
(web only)Can be either 'always' or 'if_required'
By default, confirmWithCustomerDefaultPaymentMethod() will always redirect to your return_url after a successful confirmation. If you set redirect: "if_required", then this method will only redirect if your user chooses a redirection-based payment method.
ConfirmParams object
(web only) The url your customer will be directed to after they complete payment.