Test a payment
Make your first payment and refund through Hyperswitch
Last updated
Make your first payment and refund through Hyperswitch
Last updated
Here, you'll be making a payment using your Hyperswitch setup, via your preferred payment provider.
Once you have successfully run the control centre, you should be able to test the payments.
Account setup is a pre-requisite before you can test the payments.
Local: Once you have got the Control Centre running (at http://localhost:9000) and have configured your payment processor via it. You can go to Home section in Control Centre, and you will find a "try it out" button (Highlighted with blue colour in the image below).
Self Hosted Web App: In case you have hosted the SDK and integrated it on your app, you can do a usual release of your app. Post successful deployment, you can test the payments on your app url.
Playground deployment: In case you have deployed the demo app playground, you will see the playground up and running on the public IP that you received after deployment.
You can test a successful payment on Control Centre with the following test card -
On confirming the payment, you will see the the Payment confirmation screen.
Congrats! You have successfully tested an end-to-end payment with your own app server and the control centre
In case you have integrated the web client on your app and want to test a payment, the payment status confirmation screen has to be handled by you. You will see that post payment confirmation.
The app server is more powerful than just processing the payments. You can test refunds, subscription payments and more using the app server.