πŸͺ’Unified Local Setup using Docker

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up and running the app server and control center on your local machine using Docker.

Let's hit the ground running – within five minutes, you’ll see a complete end-to-end example of installing Hyperswitch and making a Payment via a Payment provider of your choice. So, let’s get started!

Setting up with Docker

If you don't already have Docker, you can download it from the official Docker website. Once Docker is installed, launch the Docker app, then use the following commands at the command line to clone the Hyperswitch repository.

git clone --depth 1 --branch latest https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch

Once the repository is cloned, switch to the project directory.

cd hyperswitch

Now, we'll start all services using Docker Compose. This will pull Hyperswitch Docker images and then start the server. Wait for the migration_runner container to finish running migrations (approximately 2 minutes) before proceeding further.

docker compose up -d

Congratulations! You've now setup Hyperswitch in your local machine. In order to verify that the server is up and running hit the health endpoint.

curl --head --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/health'

The expected response here is 200 OK status code. This indicates that the server and all of its dependent services such as the database and Redis are functioning correctly.

Access the Control Centre in your browser at http://localhost:9000.

In the next chapter, we'll run payments through your local Hyperswitch setup by setting up the necessary accounts, API credentials and try out payments and refunds.

If you're looking to Contribute to Hyperswitch, try setting up a development environment using Docker Compose.

Next step:

πŸ”§Account setup

Last updated