Authenticating Payments via Netcetera Through HyperSwitch SDK

How to trigger redirection less external 3DS authentication in HyperSwitch SDK ?

Please specify the payment needs to externally authenticated via Netcetera by passing the below field

in create payments call. You can read more about it here.

"request_external_three_ds_authentication": true

Pass your Netcetera SDK API key to HyperSwitch SDK like below.

configuration: Configuration(netceteraSDKApiKey: "<YOUR_NETCETERA_API_KEY>")

In order to test external authentication on sandbox, a certificate needs to be added. Please follow the below steps.

Make the Hyperswitch Payments - External 3DS Authentication request. Take the value of the field acs_signed_content , then decrypt it using Under the decrypted 'x5c' header you will get your root certificate.

This certificate is required is required to decrypt response from Netcetera's Prev (Sandbox) environment Demo ACS Server.

Please note the above step is not required for Production environment.

Providing the root certificate to HyperSwitch SDK


Put the obtained certificate in assets directory in your android project.


Put the obtained certificate in the root directory in your iOS project.

Last updated