🛣️Route your payout transactions using Smart Router

Before continuing further, refer to this comprehensive guide on Smart Router.

Note: routing rules are distinct for payment and payout operations. Configuring one does not affect the other and vice-versa.

How to get started?

Routing rules can be configured using Hyperswitch's dashboard (beta feature) or via APIs. We will be using Hyperswitch's dashboard as it provides a simple, intuitive UI for configuring these rules.

Dashboard - https://app.hyperswitch.io


Make sure there are at least two or more payout processors integrated with your account. You can follow this guide for integrating a payout connector of your choice.

Steps for configuring routing rules for payouts

Step 1 - Head to Workflow -> Payout Routing

Head to Payout Routing

Step 2 - From here, you can select one of the three routing rule formats for creating a routing rule and follow one of the below guides for configuring your routing rule


Volume Based Routing


Rule Based Routing


Default fallback Routing

Step 3 - You can view the created routing rules at the main page

View configured rules

Step 4 - Only a single routing rule can be activated at a given time. For selecting a different rule, click on the rule and click Activate Configuration

Activate routing rule

Step 5 - If none of the rules are activated, the transaction is routed in the order listed in Default Fallback Priority

Last updated